Confused about CSS frameworks? We’ve gathered the top 10 coolest tools that really save time on the frontend. From the heavyweight Bootstrap to the minimalistic Milligram, we’ve broken down the pros of each and explained when to use what.
The most popular CSS library. Created by Twitter back in 2011, it is updated and improved very often. Includes an extensive set of components for typography, buttons, navigation, grids, cards, etc. Provides ready-made JavaScript plugins for modal windows, tooltips and other elements.
Why use: simple, flexible, mobile-friendly and adaptive by default.
Tailwind CSS
A utilitarian CSS framework released in 2015. Does not contain specific styles for certain components, but allows you to create custom designs using utility classes directly in HTML.
Why you should use it: multiples the speed of development and provides a very high degree of customization.
A modern CSS framework built on Flexbox, with a set of out-of-the-box components and a modular structure. Easily allows you to create adaptive layouts and import only the parts you need.
Why to use: Flexbox power and lightness, as well as modularity.
A flexible framework with adaptive grids and ready-made UI components that adjust to different screen sizes. Suitable for unique designs thanks to advanced typography options.
Why use it: advanced customization and adaptability.
A CSS framework built on Google’s Material Design principles, Materialize provides stylish buttons, forms, and cards, as well as JavaScript for adding interactive elements like parallax.
Why use it: modern look and Material Design principles.